Time flies when you are having fun, I have to admit myself that this has been really quite a stunning year across the board, and it was a year of self discovery, assurance and reclaiming all the good things that we all deserve.

To finish things off as we unwrap this wonderful year, as Christmas approaches. Hyde Park Corner HPC in the Northern suburbs of Johannesburg will tomorrow 7th November, be hosting well known A-listers in the entertainment scenery of Mzansi, such as the legendary Sipho Hot Stix Mabuse and the stunning Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa, to a high fashion tree lighting event which is scheduled to take place at Hyde Park Corner’s centre court. A pool of other celebrity faces is expected to grace this fabulous gathering.

Just in case you are still wondering what is the fuss with all this tree thing during this time of the year. Here is a brief history on why this kind of tree seems to be so relevant this time of the year.

” 1510 – The first written record of a decorated Christmas Tree comes from Riga, Latvia. Men of the local merchants’ guild decorated a tree with artificial roses, danced around it in the marketplace and then set fire to it. The rose was used for many year and is considered to be a symbol for the Virgin Mary ” extract from (https://realchristmastrees.org/education/history-of-christmas-trees/)

It is said that today approximately 25-30 million Real Christmas Trees are sold each year in the United States. Almost all of these come from Christmas Tree plantations.

Hyde Park Corner is leading the pack to keeping such old global traditions which are popular during this time of the year across the globe, Christmas lighting. A gesture of peace, harmony and love as we slowly approach the gifting season.

Akhona Mongameli

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Akhona Mongameli